Our Idea
The Kingdom Coin project is more than just another new cryptocurrency project emerging in the blockchain space.
It is a Prophetic Economic Goshen, it is a place of safety for believers worldwide. It is a Unique decentralized finance Ecosystem. 
The Kingdom Coin Ecosystem stands firmly on two strong Pillars;
  • Kingdom Projects;
  • Economic structure.

The ecosystem of this project is structured in a way that promotes self-sustainability and long-term growth.

Total Supply
Public Sale
Token Distribution
Funds Allocation
Web3 Wallet

is a secure and user-friendly interface that allows users to manage their digital assets including $KC and interact with the network. 

Kingdom Projects

Fund missionaries, build shelters, provide medical assistance, and sponsor outreach, and crusades.

Fiat Feature

allows users to easily convert fiat currency into Kingdom Coin and vice versa.

Why Kingdom Coin?


The Kingdom Coin project is designed to provide a decentralized financial payment system with a web 3 wallet, P2P trading platform, card payment feature, fiat banking feature, staking, and launch pad. The ecosystem of the project is structured in a way that promotes self-sustainability and allows for growth over the long term.


Our mission at Kingdom Coin is to create a decentralized digital currency that serves as a legal tender for the Christian community. Our goal is to leverage the power of blockchain technology to provide secure and reliable financial transactions to support our community’s needs. We aim to use Kingdom Coin to provide monetary aid to missionaries in rural areas, build shelters for the homeless, and sponsor missionaries and provide a standard System that satisfies every financial Kingdom’s needs.

Project Review
Click To Watch Video Soon...
Project Architecture
Kingdom Coin

The Kingdom Coin token is at the center of the ecosystem and is used as the primary means of exchange within the network. Users can buy, sell, and trade Kingdom Coin tokens on the P2P trading platform or through the card payment feature. The token can also be staked to earn rewards passively. 

It can be used for kingdom advancement, Building shelters, Missionary help, Community development, and much more.

Our Roadmap
Our Strategy and Project Plan
Phase 1
  • Conceptualization and ideation: The project's founding team will brainstorm and come up with ideas on the project's vision, mission, and objectives.
  • Whitepaper development: The team will develop a comprehensive whitepaper outlining the project's technical details, market analysis, and other essential aspects.
  • Team formation: The team will be composed of individuals with relevant skills and experience in blockchain, finance, and marketing.
  • Legal and regulatory compliance: The project team will ensure that the project complies with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Strategic partnerships: The team will look to establish partnerships with other blockchain projects, exchanges, and other industry players to create a robust ecosystem.
  • Seed funding: The team will look for seed funding to kickstart the project's development and marketing.
Phase 2
Development & Launch
  • Launch Pad development: The project’s team will develop a native launch pad for the kingdom coin project which will ensure successful ICO, launch and security of community’s investment.
  • Smart contract development: The team will develop smart contracts that can be used to automate financial transactions on the Kingdom Coin ecosystem.
  • Commencement of presale on launch pad and publicly launching on decentralized exchange(s).
  • Coin Gecko and Coin market cap listing.
  • Commencement of Wallet development: The team will develop secure and user-friendly wallets for storing and transacting with Kingdom Coin and also access other utilities within the ecosystem.
Phase 3
  • Exchange listings: The team will work to get Kingdom Coin listed on major cryptocurrency exchanges to increase liquidity and trading volumes.
  • Community building: The team will build an active and engaged community through social media and other marketing channels.
  • Partnerships and collaborations: The team will seek partnerships with other blockchain projects, businesses, and institutions to increase adoption and use cases.
  • Merchant adoption: The team will work to onboard merchants to accept Kingdom Coin as a form of payment.
  • Education and awareness: The team will educate the public on the benefits and potential of using Kingdom Coin in their daily lives.
Phase 4
  • Research and development: The team will continue to research and develop new features and applications for Kingdom Coin.
  • Ecosystem expansion: The team will work to expand the Kingdom Coin ecosystem by partnering with other projects and creating more use cases.
  • Decentralized finance (DeFi): The team will explore opportunities in the DeFi space, such as creating lending and borrowing platforms, decentralized exchanges, and other financial services.
  • Global expansion: The team will work to expand the Kingdom Coin ecosystem globally, targeting new markets and regions.
  • Community governance: The team will implement community governance to ensure that the project is run democratically and transparently.
Team Spirit
Core Values
At The Kingdom coin, We hold the following core values at the forefront of everything we do.

We believe in being open and honest with our stakeholders. We communicate clearly and frequently to build trust and foster a culture of transparency. 


We operate with the highest ethical standards and are committed to being truthful and straightforward in all of our interactions. 


We conduct ourselves with integrity at all times and strive to do what is right, even when it is unpopular. We act with fairness, respect towards all individuals.


We are committed to excellence in everything we do and strive to exceed expectations. We believe in continuous improvement and are always looking for ways to innovate and grow.

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    Sale Terms
    Structure & Phases
    Target On Crowdsale
    Soft Cap
    Total Token Supply
    Token Type
    Purchase Methods
    Token Distribution
    Funds Allocation
    Kingdom Coin Growth - [Projected]

    Kingdom Coin Currency Progress (Minimized Fluctuations)

    Bitcoin Currency Progress

    Ether Currency Progress

    US Dollar Currency Progress

    Utility Map
    We are dedicated to completing every project on the roadmap.
    Kingdom Coin Price
    ICO Participants
    Avg. Growth Yearly
    Target Market Cap
    How To Buy
    We Accept BUSD
    Hard cap:
    Soft cap:
    Exchange rate:
    Project protocol:
    Kingdom Coin Contract Address:

    The following address is for the GMC token contract. It is NOT a deposit address. Do NOT send tokens to it. To deposit, use the Deposit form in the GemCoin Tokensale Platform.

    Payment Methods:
    Web3 Wallet

    The Kingdom Coin web 3 wallet is a secure and user-friendly interface that allows users to manage their digital assets including Kingdom Coin tokens and interact with the network.

    Kingdom Projects

    The Coin will be used to send monetary aid to missionaries in rural areas, as legal tender for the church, build shelters for communities, provide medical assistance, sponsor outreach and crusades.

    P2P Trading

    The P2P trading platform allows users to buy and sell Kingdom Coin tokens directly with other users, without the need for a centralized exchange. This promotes decentralization and allows for more control over transactions.

    Fiat Feature

    The fiat banking feature allows users to easily convert fiat currency into Kingdom Coin and vice versa. This provides a bridge between the traditional financial system and the Kingdom Coin network.













    Kingdom Coin Wallet
    Coming Soon!
    e-commerce_2-line-43 e-commerce_2-line-43
    Personal Wallet

    fingerprint or Face ID Sign in Feature to access wallet.

    e-commerce_2-line-75 e-commerce_2-line-75
    Smart Search

    $KC Wallet is QR enabled to ensure fast transactions.

    e-commerce_2-line-64 e-commerce_2-line-64
    Track Rates

    Daily price tracking enabled.

    Communication_1-line-24 Communication_1-line-24
    Push Alerts
    To get notifications about transactions, prices etc.
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